Friday, August 24, 2007


I made that picture of my hand smaller because I was tired of lookin at it. You can still pick on it if you need to see it bigger.

Im doin alright yall.

Hope everybody has a killer weekend. fuckina.

Keepin it real,



cher said...

Glad to hear you are doing alright.
I plan on leaving my killing until monday.

Tuyet said...

I am making "mystery cake muffins", so watch for that!

Free fer all Paul said...

Hey Cher where is that titty photo haha!

Tuyet - Ill stuff your muffin with some butter love.

cher said...

i was going to take a picture for you but got stuck staring at them and forgot. yes i'm that vain and yes, they are splendid in all their shit stained glory.

yellowdoggranny said...

the goddess thinks bbc is a jackass and wants me to bip him into a coma...but i am holding off until i can work up some real rage..
when people ask me how it's going I always say:'body count's low' do the same..

cher said...

i hate cher. the singer i mean. not me. i am so full of myself, i couldn't possibly hate me. i'm wonderful.

Nick said...

I think we should pay BBC a visit brother.

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

I came her from "Straight to Hell". Glad to hear you are doing fine.

Be well.

Raghu Ram Prasad said...

Where is your little beautiful picture....Nice

Denny said...

Honestly do you have to stir the pot here? I think we're big enough adults to grow up here and make nice.

Come on man. Don't agitate things between you and BBC any more. This is getting excessive. Peace brother.

Denny said...

Nick...come on now. Let's take it easy. If you're having problems and unresolved issues, man, you know where to go. My door's open.

Now I know I'm adept to being loud and annoying, but I think I've turned a new leaf here. Peace brothers.

cher said...

rats. i thought you meant to say pay B.C. a visit.